Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sisters....Sisters...There Were Never More Devoted Sisters

An adventure like the one we are on definitely helps put things in perspective.  Lisa, the kids and I have talked a lot over the last few months about how part of the gift of this trip is learning (or being reminded of) what is important.  Today, Trish and Mary, two of my three amazing sisters, left Dublin.  My sister Kathy was not able to come and we missed her!  She has been an avid blog reader and all-around supporter of this adventure. 

As I sit completely exhausted from throwing ourselves into this amazing city over the past four days, I feel extremely grateful to have three such wonderful women in my life.

I have to blog about our adventures because my incredible partner Lisa was so kind as to deal with children so I could have unlimited time with my sisters.  The only downside is the the family biographer was not present for all activites so I am left to update the blog.

First, let me lay out the schedule for you.  Trish sent a comprehensive list of activites she had found in her research and Mary was completely on board with the list after having done her own research.  What follows is our schedule for the far-too-short time they were here (literally, four days):

-Performance of Handel's Messiah in Temple Bar on the anniversary of its first performance
-Pints at the Brazenhead
-Book of Kells
-1916 Rebellion Walking Tour
-Kilmainham Gaol
-Gillespie Rebellion Sculpture
-Cooking class at the Dublin Cookery
-Gillespie Blackrock Dolmen Scultpure
-Gillespie Famine Sculpture
-Crypt Tour at St. Michad's
-Guinness Factory Tour and Lesson in How to Pour the Perfect Pint!
-Play Drumbelly at the Abbey Theater
-Trad Music Session at O'Donohues of St. Stephen's Green
-Lots of Shopping
-Lots of Eating
-Lots and lots of walking

We never stopped and it was a BLAST.  I saw many parts of Dublin I had never seen before.  I learned a lot more about the Easter Rising even though I had already learned some about it.  It was fun to tour the gaol again because I could not understand half of the first tour as a result of the guide's  accent.  But even better than all the cool things we saw and fact we learned, was the time we were able to spend together connecting.  It was so great to have an extended period of time to hear what my nieces and nephews were doing and what is happening in the lives of these interesting women.

We also had some great family time, walked kids to school, played cards, met our Irish friends, helped with homework, had a few homecooked meals, enjoyed great converstaion, laughed a lot and of course, watched the Voice of Ireland!!

We have to do it again soon when all of us are available.

Here are some pictures of our adventures.....

Crowd at Handel's Messiah

The Book of Kells


Shopping on Grafton Street
The girls in Gaol
Class at the Dublin Cookery
Famine Sculpture
Famine Sculpture
The Creepy Crypt
Perfecting the Perfect Pint
My sisters' flight was diverted to Indianapolis on the way home due to storms in Chicago.  They traveled 24 hours straight to get home....what a pain!  I am so grateful they made all the effort to visit us! 

Slainte to them!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could Photoshop me in a few places! Love you too! Kathy
