Thursday, April 18, 2013

Highs and Lows

I don't know where we got the idea but since forever we do "highs and lows" at dinnertime. It's not some revolutionary idea, we just go around and tell everyone what the high points and low points of our days were.

My low for the day is that my beloved cat, Hazel, passed away last night.

Two of the most loving, caring men in our lives spent her last hours with her at our house in Minneapolis last night, keeping her company and sending her off in love: Quan Zhouusa and Brian Kelley.

And then, today, they did the same for me, sending me loving supportive missives about her last moments and how she was comfortable and in peace.

We knew as we were preparing for this trip that it was a possibility that she would pass while we were gone and, to be honest, it was the most significant thing on my mind leading up to our departure. Quan (our man of the house) was a little gift from the gods and has stayed with her and taken care of her in our absence. Throughout our stay Quan grew close to her and both sent regular messages and pictures of her to let us know how she was.

The kids have taken it alright and I'm doing okay as well. She had a great, long life and went out on her own terms. Thanks to everyone for your messages and support!

The big high for today was this. Maggie's school was showing Freaky Friday tonight as a little fundraiser for some girls sports team and she headed there with a few of her friends while Sheila, Johnny and I got haircuts and went to drumming lessons.

I met her half way on her walk home. She was all smiles and just happily walking down the road. She turned to me and this is what she said:

"I don't want to go home!!"

Ahhhhh. She's finally got a little posse here and is having a bit of craic!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about Hazel! Glad she had good caretakers. I'm sure your hearts are with her even though you couldn't be there. Sending you all big hugs and love. Kathy
