Friday, May 31, 2013

From Today's Irish Times Letter To the Editor

One cute one and one arguing about the upcoming commemoration of the 1916 Rising. I post these both as examples of how quirky the letters are and as evidence to how difficult it is to REALLY grasp a society without all of the institutional knowledge you get from spending your life there.

"Where have all the flowers gone?"
Sir, - Is there any reason why the center of O'Connell Street is devoid of a single flower pot? This ventral aisle could surely be a platform for colour and vibrancy for all our forthcoming gatherings. -Yours, etc. Mary Kelly Dunluce Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3.

"Centenary commemoration"
A chara lists the founding of Arthur Griffith's first newspaper and, a few years later, his foundation of Sinn Féin as major factors in the constructive phase of "the fight for Irish freedom". He writes that a retrospective recognition is well due to these events. Can I reassure him that my forthcoming biography of Griffith will hopefully contribute to this, as well as examining Griffith's rationale for opposing the 1916 Rising itself." -Yours, etc, Anthony J. Jordan, Gilford Road, Dublin

I read that four times and still don't quite get it.

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