Friday, May 24, 2013

Preparing to return to the U.S.

There are loads of things we are looking forward to about returning home. Mainly our family and friends.

Recently though, I got the email that I am reprinting at the bottom of this post.

This is horrific in general for all children and all girls and all parents and caretakers and anyone who cares about kids or people in general. It makes me want to become a vigilanti. It makes me, an anti-gun warrior, want to give my thirteen year old a pistol.

It is even more horrific because we have really really enjoyed the freedom from guns in Ireland. As I said in an earlier post, the Irish do NOT have a gun problem. Their police don't even carry guns.

Isn't it ironic? If you would ask an American about anything bad about Ireland, it wouldn't take much to get them to talk about "The troubles" and "The North."


Both Maggie and Johnny have enjoyed unprecedented freedom here. Maggie walks to and from school every day. Johnny rides his bike through the park often racing ahead of Sheila or I and beating us home by several minutes -- even crossing two streets. They both have walked to the local shop and Maggie has walked into town to peruse books at the independent bookstore, to the gorgeous Starbucks and even to McDonalds to meet her friends for lunch.

I am highly resentful that these freedoms will be taken from us back home because of a few idiots who feel that it is within their rights to intimidate and terrify people. Not only will this inhibit Maggie and Johnny's freedom, but it will scare them. It will make us feel like we can't walk anywhere, particularly alone. We will be confined to a smaller "neighborhood" and to our cars.

Maybe we won't be home in June after all.

See below:

Dear Parents,
This afternoon we received the following message from the fifth precinct in regards to the luring incidents reported last week.

From: City of Minneapolis []
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 2:53 PM
To: Lavender, Amy
Subject: Attempted Luring Incidents in the Fifth Precinct

Since May 2, 2013, there have been five separate luring incidents in the Fifth Precinct. The following information is a brief description of the incident as well as a description of the suspects and/or vehicles.

-May 2 58th St W/Lyndale Av S 8:45 a.m.-a white male, 40-45yo, 5’8”-5’11” wearing a gray and white winter jacket and light blue or off-white khaki pants approached a 13yo female victim on foot and said, “Hello.” He then tried to block her path. The victim fled on foot. The suspect was driving a dirty, white or cream cargo van with no rear windows.
-May 5 36th St W/Zenith Av s 2:25 p.m.-three white males, 30-45yo approached a 13yo female on foot. One suspect grabbed her wrist and told her to be quiet or she would be hurt. The victim fled on foot. One of the suspects was described as having a muscular build. There was no vehicle involved.
-May 13 41st St W/Dupont Av S 6:10 p.m.-a 13yo female was walking her dog when passersby noticed that she was being followed closely by a white Toyota Camry with Colorado license plates. No description of the occupants was provided. The occupants did not attempt to make contact with the girl.
-May 16 54th St W/Lyndale Av S 4:30 p.m.-A white, older cargo van with chipped paint pulled alongside two 13yo females. One of the occupants of the van opened the sliding side door as if the invite the girls inside. The victims fled on foot. The occupants made no attempt to follow them. The driver is described as a white male, 20-25yo. The passenger was a mixed race or light-skinned black male also 20-25yo.
-May 13-17 58 St W/Wentworth Av S 2:10 p.m. A white male, 50-60yo medium build has been seen loitering in the area and possibly taking photographs of children.

At this time, investigators are looking into these incidents. Patrol officers are conducting directed patrol, foot beats and bicycle beats in the affected areas. Neighboring police agencies have been advised as well.

It’s unknown if they are related due to varying vehicle and suspect descriptions. Any further updates will be passed along as soon as they are available.

Please call 911 on any suspicious activity.

If your child reports an event like this to you regardless of time delay, please ask that officers come to your home so you can speak with them directly and a report can be made.

If your child reports an event like this to you regardless of time delay, please ask that officers come to your home so you can speak with them directly and a report can be made.

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