Saturday, March 23, 2013

Two or Three?

We made it safely to Greece!

There was absolutely no wireless on the boat so we coudn't blog or check in at all, so apologies to anyone out there keeping track and who might have had a bit of worry.

We had our first travelling mishap on the way out of Assisi.

We had a cab waiting for us at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday intending to catch the quick train from Assisi to Foligno. According to the schedule we'd only have four minutes to catch the train to Ancona and we'd make it to our ship on time.

We woke after a restless sleep and said our goodbyes to Assisi.

We got to Foligno, saw the train on the next track over and headed quickly down the underpass, Sheila verifying the train to Ancona with the worker under there "Ancona?" "Three." "Three?"

We hopped on the train and I immediately had a sinking feeling that this was not the right train.

We asked and and then checked our watches and realized that we had arrived at Foligno early and were, indeed, headed back to Rome. We hadn't seen the above signs indicating track "2" or track "3" and hopped on the train that was situated at track 2.


Sheila was upset about the error, but we were able to get tickets on a later train and, instead of being comfortably 3 hours ahead of schedule to meet the boat, we made it within 1/2 hour. Running, panting, and sweaty with a bit of stress stuck in there as well, but we made it.

The ship was amazing.

Johnny was amazed that the ship was so big it carried many semi-trailers! Here's a view of the belly of the ship.

Here are a few views from the Ancona port.

 There was a helicopter pad on the top!!!

And we had a huge room. Everyone got a bed! This was luxury compared to mine and Jackie's travels!

We left the port at 2 p.m. and had a lovely afternoon watching the Italian coast go by, drinking beers and cafe, playing cards and scrabble. The kids were free to relax and roam.

Should I shoot the moon?

 King of the world!

We had dinner on the ship, watched a sunset over the Adriatic and headed to sleep. The kids were asking about the schedule and we said that when we woke that we'd basically be in Greece. Johnny wondered if we'd have enough time to "enjoy it all" some more before we had to get off the ship. He loved it. Maggie loved it too but lamented the fact that we had done the "Titanic Experience" in Cobh prior to this trip!

We did, indeed, wake to Greece! 

A quick note to a few people before I show you Greece (and will post about Jeanne and her family tomorrow!):

a) To our Irish friends -- we are soaking in the sun for you and hoping you are surviving the cold rain. Keep warm and dry!

b) To my friend TJ: congratulations! I am so happy for you!

c) To Sheila's cousin Johnny Tauer, we are listening to your final four St. Thomas Division III basketball semi-finals LIVE in Arta, Greece! Good Luck!!!

d) To Sheila's mom and dad who are at the game -- wave so we can see you!!!

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