Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Guest Blogger: Maggie!

I'm on midterm break and so far, I've had a ton of fun!

On Monday Johnny had school so me and my parents went to see the Book of Kells and to the National Library. It was really fun!

On Tuesday, my mom had a writing class so I went to Dundrum with her and hung out there. Later I had three friends come over and we played cards, ate pancakes, watched movies, and just acted crazy in general.

Today, I went with my mom to Starbucks and we hung out there for a little while. Then I met some friends for a movie which was really good!

Everything's been going really well and I miss everyone but I am having fun here too! I'm excited for Paris and to see the Eiffel Tower!

We have some traveling coming up (Paris and Greece) and some guests coming. I'm looking forward to that. Also, we're going to one of the live shows of the Voice of Ireland which is going to be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie,
    I'm glad you're having fun! I'm so jealous that you're going to Paris and that you get to see a live show of the Voice of Ireland! Have a super terrific Valentine's day! Love, Kathy
